Note: If the problem you are having is that your list of LabVIEW versions list is empty in VIPM, then look here.
For Mac OS: See also Here
Sometimes VIPM has trouble connecting to LabVIEW to perform installation of Add-ons. The following is a list of things you can try to fix the problem.
- LabVIEW machine access list - Make sure you have the following IP addresses configured in your VI Server setting in LabVIEW:
- localhost
- asterix (*)
- Sometimes: <your IP address on the network>
- Sometimes: <your PC name>

- Exported VIs list
- LabVIEW VI Server Settings - Make sure you have the following VI Server settings in your LabVIEW Options. Note that the Port number will be different on your system. If you have multiple LabVIEW versions, then you should assign a different port number for each LabVIEW version. Normally you should not have to adjust your port numbers since VIPM will set these automatically

- VIPM port list configuration - If you have multiple LabVIEW versions, then you should assign a different port number for each LabVIEW version. Normally you should not have to adjust your port numbers since VIPM will set these automatically. However, in case of problems, you should make sure that VIPM has the correct port identified in the VIPM options window.

- Webserver connection
- Check LabVIEW connection to web server by trying to open "Example Finder" (Help >> Find Examples)
- If Example Finder does not open, repair LabVIEW and then try VIPM
- Configure the Windows Firewall:
- Click Start in windows. Type: "allow a program through windows firewall" then select it.
- Make sure LabVIEW 20xx and VIPM are added to this list and are allowed to communicate through the windows firewall.
- Restart LabVIEW - If the above setting appear correct, then you should restart LabVIEW.
- Restart Computer - If this does not work then you should restart your computer and try the connection again. Sometimes, restarting your computer resolves the problem.
- Launch VIPM with "Run As Administrator" Privileges:
- Right mouse click on VIPM shortcut and select "Run As Administrator" option
- If the option is not listed, try SHIFT+RightMouseClick
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