VIPM is now made available on Linux. You can download VIPM 2014 for Linux here.
VIPM for Linux has been tested to run on the following linux distributions:
- CentOS
- OpenSUSE
- Ubuntu
- Scientific Linux
Installation Instructions:
Copy the folder /JKI and all the contents to /usr/local
You may need root access to do this.
VIPM for Linux depends on the LabVIEW 2013 run-time engine which is provided with the distribution. It's located in the /LabVIEW2013RTE_Linux folder. You must install all the RPM files located there. If you have trouble installing the run-time engine, please contact National Instruments ( Note: If you have the LabVIEW 2013 full development system already installed on your system, then you probably don't need to install the run-time engine since you already have it installed.
VIPM 2014 works with all LabVIEW versions.
Running VIPM for Linux:
VIPM for Linux must be run with admin or root level privileges. There is no way around this. If you run VIPM as a standard user, it will not work as expected and will generate errors. To do this, navigate to the installation folder at /usr/local/JKI/VIPM and execute the following:
$ sudo ./vipm
You will be prompted for your root password. Enter the password and VIPM will launch.
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