What's New in VIPM 2010.0.2
VIPM 2010.0.2 is bugfix release that builds upon VIPM 2010 and adds a couple of minor improvements. It is recommended that all VIPM 2010 users upgrade.
Download VIPM 2010.0.2 here: http://jki.net/vipm/download
Upgrade Notes
If upgrading from a previous version of VIPM, the VIPM 2010.0.2 installer will automatically detect and ugprade your existing VIPM installation.
New and Changed Features
VI Package Builder (VIPB) Changes
- VI Package Builder no longer automatically saves your build spec as you edit it. You must explicitly save changes using the new "Save" button on the VIPB toolbar or from the new File>>Save menu option. You will now see a dirty dot (*) when there are unsaved changes. If you have unsaved changes when you close the VIPB windows, You will be prompted whether to save the changes.
- When you open the VI Package Builder window, the previously opened build spec is no longer opened automatically -- instead, a new/untitled build spec is opened. If you want to open the previously opened build spec, you now need to open it from the File>>Recent list.
Resolved Issues
- 10685 Fixed: Sometimes LabVIEW Tools Network Links would not be handled by VIPM correctly.
- 10576 Fixed: Excluded source files content in VI Package Builder was still used in palette generation.
- 10559 Fixed: VIPM not handling 404 download (file not found) errors gracefully. Connecting to repository.
- 10539 Fixed: Can't open VIP or VIPC files by double-clicking them if their on a network drive (UNC path issue)
- 10498 Fixed: Aborting mass compile during package install causes Results dialog to show last package as Aborted!
- 10497 Fixed: Show in Palettes button not enabled for some packages that have palettes
- 10494 Fixed: Can't add LLB to Palette as Folder of VIs in VI Package Builder
- 10491 Fixed: Delete Key does not work on VI Package Builder screen only backspace does
- 10448 Fixed: Scanning a VIPC file in VI Package Builder causes the VIPC screen to stop running but the front panel stays in memory
- 10429 Fixed: Can't remove dependencies in VI Package Builder under certain circumstances
- 10413 Fixed: VI Package Builder should not include exclude files and folders when detecting LabVIEW version
- 10411 Fixed: In some cases package icon does not show up in package info dialog
- 10403 Fixed: Scan for missing VIs should include *.lvlib (and others) - not just *.xctls
- 10391 Fixed: Can't create package with XControl in LabVIEW 8.2
- 10365 Fixed: Can't build package with XControl in LabVIEW 2010 or greater
- 11160 Fixed: Package building fails in 8.6.1f2 (and other LabVIEW fix patch releases)
- 10913 Fixed: Already password protected VI can not be re-password protected in VI Package Builder, and cause build failure.
- 10826 Fixed: Can't uninstall packages that have hyphens in Release Number
- 10825 Fixed: Internal error when running package post-install script VI causes VIPM to not delete folders created during install
- 10553 Fixed: Custom Category Palette - "If Newer" Logic did Not Work Correctly
- 10551 Fixed: Source File Settings: Update Text fields on Tree Item Change
- 10518 Fixed: License agreement file should be checked (for being missing) in VI Package Builder before build.
- 10489 Fixed: VI Package Builder Modifies VIPB file even when no changes are made - I'd like to see this fixed for 2010.0.2
- 10477 Fixed: Destination Path changes to incorrect symbolic location in VI Package Builder destinations page.
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