What's New in VIPM 2018 f1
VIPM 2018 f1 is a Maintenance Release with bug fixes -- see VIPM 2018 Release Notes.
It is recommended that all VIPM 2018 users upgrade.
Resolved Issues
- 17927 - VIPM API Improvements to commands that were not working if VIPM was not already running (e.g. Add Packages would show File Dialog instead of adding packages)
- 17766 - Package license deactivation improvements
- 17769 - Packages can now be built that target LabVIEW, even if they have no LabVIEW file types
- 17868: File Launch Handler Stability Improvements (resolved an issue where the file launch handler would sometimes crash on slower/older systems)
- Improved error dialog when attempting to open Package Build Spec from newer version of VIPM
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