How many licenses do I need for my team/company?
The number of VIPM Pro licenses required depends on how it's being used -- specifically, whether its a single user installing it on multiple computers or an installation onto a shared computer that is accessed by multiple users.
Here’s how it’s handled:
Installation Scenario | # Licenses Needed | Details |
A User with Multiple Computers |
One License Per Computer > 2 | A single user may install a VIPM Pro license on up to two computers, as long as they are the only user accessing those two computers. |
A User with Multiple Virtual Machines on a Computer | One License Per Concurrently-Running Virtual Machine | A user may install VIPM Pro on any number of Virtual Machines on their own computer, as long as only one virtual machine is running at a time. |
A Shared Computer with Multiple Users | One License Per User or One License Per Computer (whichever is greater*) |
If VIPM Pro is installed on a computer which is accessed by more than one user, one license is required for each user with access to the computer. * If there are more computers with VIPM installed than there are licensed users, then one license is required for each computer. |
If you have additional licensing questions, please contact us.
Purchasing Options
Purchase VIPM Pro Online
To purchase VIPM Pro online, please visit our online store at
Request a Quote for Enterprise Licensing
To request a quote for a VIPM Pro multi-seat Enterprise License Agreement please contact
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